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This is the End...

I made a big mistake, I never had children. After all this travelling it is so sad to know that I will never be able to reach the Holy...

People are Dying!!!

Its been such a long time ,I finally hit my 60th birthday, but my peers are dropping 1 by one. Alaya is 73 and shes slowly dying off,...


As we reach Moab after years and years of pain and snakes sent from god himself, we get a pleasant surprise. As we wonder the lands we...

Close to The End of Us...

The ten spies who came back from the promised land, really screwed us up. There are now two groups the people who want to go to the...

I Might Not Make It...

As we leave Mt Sinai, the trip gets horrible after only 3 days, i'm so hungry and my throat feels almost as dry as the desert. As we walk...

First Destination: Mt Sinai!!

It's been a year... I signed up for two weeks and I have spent 72 weeks here. We have gained a lot of things however, like the 10...

On My Way To The Promised Land or So I Thought!

As we begin our Journey through the desert, we get tasked with a walk of around 2 weeks to the Holy Land and to me it seems alright.I am...

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